Creating a world of opportunity, product by product.

our values
Industrious house Market

Our amazon store

Developing a product catalogue, our Amazon store specializes in selling a wide variety of products including pet supplies, baby products, beauty supplies, and everyday home essentials. Customers can find everything they need in one convenient online location, making shopping quick and easy. With a diverse range of products, we offer something for everyone, whether it's for their furry friend, a new addition to the family, or for their own personal needs.

our values

What we stand for...

IH values innovation, quality, and diversity in order to provide high-quality products and services to a diverse customer base.


We value innovation and are always looking for new and better ways to serve their customers and improve their offerings.


We are committed to providing high-quality products and services to their customers. We strive to exceed expectations and ensure that their customers are satisfied with their purchases.


We value diversity and recognizes the importance of offering a wide range of products and services to meet the needs of our diverse customer base.

Product innovation

create your dream products

Need help creating your dream products? We are here to make your ideas and dreams a reality. Step by step, we will guild you to format your company, brand, and formula.

"Our mission is to contribute innovation and the entrepreneurs who have ideas for the present and future of the world. Everyone has an imagination, and I want to encourage creativity to design your dream products."

James Scott, CEO
Brand consulting

Reliable expertise

As an entrepreneur, you want the best advice and knowledge to give your brand a start to a journey of success. Our team has ten years of experience working with startups in the food and beverage industry. We are no strangers when it comes to building from the ground up.

Be part of the journey

Interested in learning more about our mission and values? Connect with us.